Saturday, February 4, 2017

At the Porch of the Heart

“In the 1950s kids lost their innocence.
They were liberated from their parents by well-paying jobs, cars, and lyrics in music that gave rise to a new term ---the generation gap.

In the 1960s, kids lost their authority.
It was a decade of protest---church, state, and parents were all called into question and found wanting. Their authority was rejected, yet nothing ever replaced it.

In the 1970s, kids lost their love. It was the decade of me-ism dominated by hyphenated words beginning with self.
Self-image, Self-esteem, Self-assertion....It made for a lonely world. Kids learned everything there was to know about sex and forgot everything there was to know about love, and no one had the nerve to tell them there was a difference.

In the 1980s, kids lost their hope.
Stripped of innocence, authority and love and plagued by the horror of a nuclear nightmare, large and growing numbers of this generation stopped believing in the future.

In the 1990s kids lost their power to reason. Less and less were they taught the very basics of language, truth, and logic and they grew up with the irrationality of a postmodern world.

In the new millennium, kids woke up and found out that somewhere in the midst of all this change, they had lost their imagination. Violence and perversion entertained them till none could talk of killing innocents since none was innocent anymore.” 
― Ravi ZachariasRecapture the Wonder

"Who Am I?" along with the question of "Where am I?" These questions linger at the doorsteps of the modern heart. The heart in its rightful place, has lost its identity within the confounds of its own eternity.  The era which we currently find ourselves in today seems to be progressive and enjoyable.  Our most acclaimed sentiments as believers, as Christians are today represented as large churches with hundreds and in some cases thousands of members.  Members of what to be exact?  This is what a lost world is asking.  We all want to be apart of a social platform of acceptance.  However, the wiring of that system seems to be undergirded with religious perspectives hard to follow and a perfection from the "people" undefined.  Were does one turn when the accuser become those who have promised to have the wisdom and commitment to rise up against the accuser?  We must begin to think again, being workmen who are willing to contribute to build and/or close that bridge between the heart and mind!  Generations go by while answers continue to remain.  This is the hour for the Christian to stand up and be the warrior he is called to be.  Perhaps even to those who are not who they say that they are...